The most extensive and capacious sphere of branding. In the conditions of modern saturated, rapidly developing and highly selective FMCG market, creating such a business tool as an effective product brand requires the participation of professionals with in-depth and comprehensive expertise in many areas.
The feature of corporate branding consists in working with two target groups: the external audience of the brand (clients and partners) and internal target audience, i.e. employees of the company. Corporate brand is a powerful tool for the formation of an effective HR-brand of the company.
Retail branding, perhaps, is the most complicated sphere of branding, because the task of this direction is the formation of an integrated and comprehensive space of the brand, in which the consumer has the opportunity to interact with the brand at all levels: visual, audito, tactile, emotional and others. In this regard, the work on creating a retail brand should unite experts from different fields: marketing, architecture, design, engineering and many others.
The aim of the marketing strategy is to understand what is the role of the brand among competitors, how it should be different from them, what qualities and characteristics should it possesses. Marketing strategy allows the company management to obtain an effective development plan that identifies the goals and objectives of the planned activities, the portrait of the target audience, to attract which promotional activities will be held, analysis of the key risks, strengths and weaknesses of the project, the procedure for the launching the brand on the market or its support.
In today oversaturated market work on creating an effective brand must begin with the development of a unique product offer that is different from those of competitors and is able to get in the consumer insight that was not completed by any of the competitors yet.
Visual strategy is the creation of an integrated and comprehensive visual image of the brand, starting with the construction of the visual identification of a brand (corporate style) to the further development of all brand communications: packaging design, advertising communications, digital, design of architectural environment.
Communication strategy is a consistent program of implementation of brand tasks in the sphere of communication with consumers. The communication strategy is based on marketing strategy and brand positioning, and is a collection of the most effective channels and instruments of influence on the target audience and the mechanics of using these tools.
The name is the most simple and accessible way to bring essence of the brand and its positioning to the consumer. Special attention during the development of the verbal trademark is given to the legal component, so this stage of development is carried out in close cooperation with the specialists of the legal services of our company.
We are convinced that the work with a brand does not end at the stage of its creation and introduction into the market. In the framework of creative support of the brand, we develop the basis laid in the creation of marketing strategy of the brand and implement the development of brand communications in accordance with its communication strategy.
Packaging is the most important tool of sales and communication with customers in the FMCG segment. High-quality packaging design allows the brand not only to effectively stand out against a background of competitors and to attract the attention of consumers, but is, in fact, a self-promotional tool, allowing the company to significantly save advertising budgets.
Digital media in the modern world is an environment in which business, brands and ideas are located in the closest proximity to their audience. The opportunity to receive instantaneous consumer feedback enables the brand to build a more efficient, flexible and inspiring means of communication. By the use of interactive features, the essential nature of a project is fully revealed to the consumer at the stage of its development. In the long term, this entails the creation of a long-term strategy for the brand in the digital environment, ranging from mobile applications to websites and advertising campaigns.
Man is constantly surrounded by space and naturally this has a profound effect on his life, plunging him into different moods, and conjuring various emotions and moods within him. Whether this space happens to be an urban area or a street, a small bakery or a counter is of little importance. The ability to create a conscious space is thus a powerful tool of communication with the consumer and to successfully convey the essence of a brand via space is to create effective and comprehensive solutions.
Photo-imagery or photo-history is an important part of the brand sphere, being able not only to convey the character and essence of a brand, but also to play a crucial role in the formation of a visual identification. Photography is a powerful driver that is able to breathe life into a project, creating the desired emotions and mood, and placing the consumer in direct communication with the brand. A team consisting of food-stylists, visual artists, set-designers and photographers enable us to create photographs and videos of the very highest level.